• Wiesława Radmacher (ING PAN OBK BioGeoLab)

    Ten months in the rain - preliminary results on the taxonomy and biostratigraphy of Late Cretaceous and Paleocene dinocysts from three wells in the southwestern Barents Sea

    Agnieszka Ciurej 
    Application of Charge Contrast Imaging based on the Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM) in ultrastructural studies of limestones

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  • Justyna Flis (WGGiOŚ, AGH), Carolyn A. Dehner, Jennifer L. Dubois (University of Notre Dame), Maciej Manecki (WGGiOŚ, AGH), Patricia Maurice (University of Notre Dame)

    "Rola syderofor i biofimu w rozpuszczaniu piromorfitu przez bakterie z gatunku Pseudomonas mendocina"

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  • Badania meteorytów

    godz. 11.15
    Pierre Rochette (Centre Européen de Recherche et d'Enseignement des Géosciences de l'Environnement CEREGE)
    Characterization of meteorites using intrinsic magnetic properties and applications to solar system processes and space exploration

    godz. 12.00
    Jérôme Gattacceca (Centre Européen de Recherche et d'Enseignement des Géosciences de l'Environnement CEREGE)
    Paleomagnetism of meteorites: insight into magnetization processes and magnetic field intensities throughout solar system history

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  • Sławomir Florjan (Instytut Botaniki UJ)

    Specyfika procesów fosylizacji roślin późnego paleozoiku

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  • Cykl referatów

    Poniedziałek 21.03.2011, godz. 14.00 
    Daniel Harlov (Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum - GFZ, Poczdam, Niemcy) 
    "Fluid-mediated mass transfer in monazite via coupled dissolution-reprecipitation: implications for dating and deciphering the fluid chemistry during metamorphism of medium- to high-grade rocks

    Pavel Uher (Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University, Bratysława, Słowacja) 
    "Monazite breakdown products in granitic and metamorphic rocks: a role of mineral and fluid composition
    "Nb-Ta oxide minerals in granites and pegmatites: tracers of magmatic to subsolidus processes

    Wtorek 22.03.2011, godz. 15.00 
    Daniel Harlov 
    "Metasomatic alteration of zircon in alkali and alkaline solutions under medium- to high-grade conditions: the role of coupled dissolution-reprecipitation during alteration and mass transfer
    "Metasomatic alteration of fluorapatite and chlorapatite: Mass transfer and the role of fluids" 
    "Fluid-aided incorporation of (Y+HREE) and other trace elements into almandine-pyrope garnet via coupled dissolution-reprecipitation

    Środa 23.03.2011, godz. 12.00 
    Daniel Harlov 
    "Natural and experimental evidence for alkali-metasomatism in the lower crust and lithospheric mantle
    "Accessory mineral trace element chemistry as a function of metamorphic grade along a traverse of lower Archean crust, Eastern Dharwar Craton, Tamil Nadu, south India
    "The Varberg-Torpa charnockite-granite assocation, Varberg, SW Sweden: Magmatism, fluids, and associated metasomatism in the middle to lower granitoid crust, SW Sweden"

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